
  • Meerssen, aux Pays-Bas.  

Sympathique  petite ville située à proximité des frontières allemande et belge et voisine de Maastricht, Meerssen contribue à la variété du paysage néerlandais par ses vallons verts et ses monuments historiques 

Facts & Figures

Inhabitants: 19.858

area: 2.747 ha

houses: 8.299

 Mayor: Mr. G.Kockelkorn

 address of town hall: Beekstraat 51, 6231 LE Meerssen.


Meerssen has a private Douzelage committee with a municipality representative.


Meerssen is situated in the south of the Netherlands, nearby Maastricht. In the centre there are recently build new roads and buildings. The little river "the Geul" flows through Meerssen. Meerssen is surrounded by woods, where you can walk and enjoy the nature. The infrastructure is good. The highways are good situated and also the airport is nearby.

Tourism in Meerssen


Meerssen is situated near Maastricht, in the South of the Netherlands. There are beautifull views of the valleys. In the neighberhood are woods, where the people can go for a nice walk. Also cyclists can enjoy in the region.

You can find some old buildings, castles, churches.

In the neighbour towns Valkenburg and Maastricht you can visit impressive caves.


We have a sub-committee who deals with tourism. This group produced a brochure of Meerssen. This leaflet will promote the city of Meerssen and the region.


It is available in English, in French and in German language.




 contact à Andre.Gendre@granville-douzelage.net